Explanation of "STATUS=" parameter while using *setvalue [tcl/tk scripting]

Adam Kozlowski
Adam Kozlowski Altair Community Member
edited October 2022 in Community Q&A

Can anyone give me a hint what is a meaning of STATUS parameter in command *setvalue ?

Manual provides only information : STATUS=<status>This sets an attribute status value. Valid values are 0, 1 or 2. Notice that STATUS must be capitalized.

I'm preparing automation script to create loadsteps and for example when swithing analysis type from default (Generic) to Linear Static, command uses STAUTS=1

*setvalue loadsteps id=-1 STATUS=1 4709=1; #{SUBCASE_ANALYSIS_TYPE}

when checking ANALYSIS box in SUBCASE OPTIONS command uses STATUS=2 

*setvalue loadsteps id=-1 STATUS=2 4059=1; #{NAST_ANALYSIS}

I coudn't find anywhere explicit explanation of this parameter... is it on purpouse?



  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2022

    Some of the the confusion here is that it depends on the attribute after the status command.  So for some attributes 1 and 2 are going to be the same or 2 may even not change anything because it has no meaning for that attribute.

    One interpretation is:

    2=always on (the meaning here is not very clear and again depends on the specific attribute)

    Another interpretation is:

    0=blank entry
    1=entry with information
    2=checkbox (checked or unchecked)

    Probably the best approach for this is to use what is used in the command.tcl file for the change you want.