Explanation of "STATUS=" parameter while using *setvalue [tcl/tk scripting]
Can anyone give me a hint what is a meaning of STATUS parameter in command *setvalue ?
Manual provides only information : STATUS=<status>This sets an attribute status value. Valid values are 0, 1 or 2. Notice that STATUS must be capitalized.
I'm preparing automation script to create loadsteps and for example when swithing analysis type from default (Generic) to Linear Static, command uses STAUTS=1
*setvalue loadsteps id=-1 STATUS=1 4709=1; #{SUBCASE_ANALYSIS_TYPE}
when checking ANALYSIS box in SUBCASE OPTIONS command uses STATUS=2
*setvalue loadsteps id=-1 STATUS=2 4059=1; #{NAST_ANALYSIS}
I coudn't find anywhere explicit explanation of this parameter... is it on purpouse?
Some of the the confusion here is that it depends on the attribute after the status command. So for some attributes 1 and 2 are going to be the same or 2 may even not change anything because it has no meaning for that attribute.
One interpretation is:
2=always on (the meaning here is not very clear and again depends on the specific attribute)Another interpretation is:
0=blank entry
1=entry with information
2=checkbox (checked or unchecked)Probably the best approach for this is to use what is used in the command.tcl file for the change you want.