How to execute a tcl script in an existing HM session whose PID is known

Yes, your hm session must work as a server. Use dde or socket command
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hi tinh
can you kindly explain through an example?
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Refer above.
In your case, this way may be simpler:
Your hm session (eg. with pid 1234) must pre-run a timer (write it in c:/users/name/hmcustom.tcl)
That timer checks a file eg. 1234.tcl
If file existing, source it, then clear the file!
So everytime you want to excute a script, put it in 1234.tcl
A such timer:
proc ::p_MonitorFile {{path {}}} {
set path_ $path
after cancel [list ::p_MonitorFile $path_]
if {$path==''} {
set path [file join $::env(HOME) [pid].tcl]
if {[file exists $path]} {
catch {source $path} err
file delete $path
puts 'Executed $path got $err'
after 3000 [list ::p_MonitorFile $path_]
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hi tin
That works . Thanks for the help