How to link a set of subroutine behind a subroutine in a force ?

I have a force for the tyres of my model that calls a subroutine of mine. The problem is that this subroutine calls different subroutines locally. Actually, I would like that my python script is used outside with python and inside MotionView with, in that case, Motion View python functions such as pyrelpar and so on.
As an attachment we can see my program layout. The force calls a function (tyres_GFOSUB) in (a script that have all functions necessary from Motion View such as pyrelpar). tyres_GFOSUB function calls the function in to calculate everything according to the inputs. But needs to either used functions from Motion View in (import env_altair that is inside another folder than tyre_loads) or used python functions in if I would like to use my subroutine with only python inputs and not motionview ones.
How to do so easily ? Do you have an example ?