Exporter une table de donnée

Joyeux Altair Community Member
edited September 3 in Community Q&A


j'ai un problème ou je voudrais exporter une table de données en fonction de 3 paramétres.

j'ai par exemple un couple  et une force  (lie a 2 capteur) j'aimerai exporter un fichier csv du couple en fonction 'de a, b, c et la force en fonction de a,b,c. 

pour le couple tout fonctionne pour la force il n'apparait pas dans la liste. je pense que c'est lié au 3 composantes de la force. comment puis je exporter les valeur de la force en fonction de ces 3 paramétres dans un Csv

merci d'avance pour votre retour




  • Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Lavanya Vadamodala_20519
    Altair Employee
    edited September 3

    Hi Patrice,

    Firstly, you can export the values from plots to a CSV file by plotting the curve < Go to Post-processing < Right click on curve and select "Excel export."

    Once you evaluate the sensor and Click on Display curve, you will have the graphs plotted and the curve will appear in the list. imageimageimageimage. If you right click on this curve, you can click on this curve, you can select "Excel export" and export as CSV file.

    Please let me know if you have any additional questions.

    Thank you,


  • Joyeux
    Joyeux Altair Community Member
    edited September 3

    Thank you Lavanya for your answer,

    I knew this procedure. But in my case I have 3 input parameters (a, b, c) I cannot draw a 3D curve and then export the values. I have a calculation that gives me the torque on a part and a force on another part via sensors. These quantities depend on 3 parameters, so I cannot draw the torque as a function of a, b, c, the same for the force. By going through the Data Exchange menu, I can export the torque as a function of the 3 parameters in csv format because it appears in the list and everything works. If I do the same operation with the force it does not work because it does not appear in the list. I think this is because the force is composed of 3 components. I created an I/O parameter by formula type that only takes the Y component for example. It appears in the list and I can export it in csv format