Specific Elements for Stress Results

I have a model that has already solved for stress/displacement analysis.
Now, I have particular spots to look into more closely.
I know there is a group feature that allows element grouping, but with this feature, can I see the assigned group and the results (particular elements in my structure) in hyperview?
I'd like to set those particular elements and see how the stresses change as I make structural modifications..
If so, please tell me how to apply this.
Thank you.
Hello @Keonkim1991,
As the simulation , is already completed- you could load the d3plot (in case of LS-Dyna) or suitable output file to HyperView.
You could select individual elements or create a set of elemets (MODEL>Create>Sets - then select the required elements in ENTITY ID's) from CONTOUR option.
Also, go through this link, it might give you more insight - https://connect.altair.com/CP/SA/training/self_paced/hv_hg_intro/content/hvch2s6.htm
Let me know, if you found any other solution.
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