Riveted Connections in HyperWorks

AJ_22172 New Altair Community Member
edited April 2022 in Community Q&A

Hi all,
I am very new to working with HyperWorks. Currently I am modelling a part which has riveted connections. The part is a top cover made from a single large sheet metal piece. On the edges the sheet metal is curved and the flanges have holes which are connected by rivets. I tried to create RBE2 nodes for the holes and then to define rivet connecting two adjacent nodes. But the rivet failed to get realized. Is my approach incorrect? Can rivets be defined only between two separate parts? Attached is the model.

Thanks in advance. 



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2022

    I assume you're using connectors to do this.


    Connectors can be created in different manners, but in your case:


    1) organize your elements to another component, and use the 'components' connection


    2) change to 'element' selection for creating your connectors.


    Usually it is best to separate your parts in different components.