Is there a way to delete unnecessary time steps data while exporting results? Because i have too many extra intermediary timesteps in my simulation .
Hi Arifur,
It is not possible to delete or ignoring the specific time step results. looks like the simulation is stopped and re-started the simulation due to which those time steps are created.
Whenever you want to re-start the simulation, you have go back and re-start to the nearest simulation time step so that like this un-wanted simulation time step can be ignored.
However, when you are exporting the results data to csv, it's just a simple step to delete unwanted time step results in excel sheet.
In case if your exporting simulation deck, EDEM exports the simulation deck at the last time step.
Hope this helps.
Prasad A
Just to add to Prasad's point, if you're trying to export data from the Analyst, you can select how many timesteps you want to skip under the step factor tab. Just go to File -> Export -> Results Data and you'll see this
Then you can choose the step factor. If iterations is set to 1 you'll get the data from all timesteps, if you set it to 2 you'll get data from every other timestep and so on.
Best regards,
You can delete the individual h5 files that correspond to the timesteps you don't want and EDEM will load the rest without issue (you'll see an initial message about a loss of data, simply click OK), but this might have consequences when it comes to some post processing. You could always make a copy of the data and try this though.