Francesca Danielli
Francesca Danielli Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A


I have three solids (with complex geometry) that maybe do not share all internal surfaces.

I need to guarantee connectivity between them but they have to remain three separate components (because I have to assign different material properties).

I tried "merge solid" but I had an error "none of the selected solids share surfaces". 

I tried "boolean" operations but "internal errors". Anyway, I think that boolean operations result in a single solid, not two separate ones.

Then, I have to mesh (tetramesh) all solids, guaranteeing mesh connectivity.

An option could be meshing the three solids, without acting on the geometry, and then try to adjust the nodes at the interface (maybe with faces/edges equivalence).

Do you have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021

    can't you use contacts (bonded/glued/tie) to connect your geometries?


    if your geometries are touching each other, boolean should work, by 'keeping A parts'.

    For complex geometries i would also suggest SimLab, as its tetramesh algorithm is really fast and robust.

    Later on, you can just use the 'join' command and merge faces within a prescribed tolerance.
