Maxmum Building Height in Each Pixel

In the outdoor urban scenario is it possible to extract the maximum building height (height of building plus height of ground above sea level) in each pixel.
To illustrate this question, please see the attached ppt slide. How can we find out the values a,b,c,d,e...etc for each pixel (in place where there is no building we have height of ground above sea level).
There are two ways to get the information about the max. building height plus topography in an urban scenario.
First approach would be to run a preprocessing (e.g. for DPM model) with the urban building vector data (odb file) and the topo data (tdb file) in WallMan and activate here under the General tab of the WallMan preprocessing parameters the output of the 'absolute building height'. Then a corresponding height file will be generated in WallMan which can be displayed in ProMan.
Second approach would be to use ProMan. When having the urban project loaded in ProMan the 'Balloon tip' button can be used (2nd lowest button from the tool bar on the right side of the ProMan screen) to display the corresponding heights.