HyperStudy error"Study was closed in an abnormal manner or is used by ( hst.exe )"

Allen Lai_22108
Allen Lai_22108 Altair Community Member
edited November 2023 in Community Q&A

Hi everybody,  

I have some problem when I practicing HyperWorks tutorial "Squeak and Rattle Director>Variability (Stochastics) Study". At "Step 6: HyperStudy Database Generation" end, I try to create report from HyperStudy, but HyperStudy always crashed. When I open HyperStudy again, I can read following message error: "Study was closed in an abnormal manner or is used by ( hst.exe )". There are short video & capture. Please help me to fix this problem!



  • Diana_38240
    Altair Employee
    edited November 2023

    Hello Allen Lai,

    I see that this question has not been replied through the forum. Did you reach out to Altair support? Has the query been resolved?


    Altair Team