Error 3977

I have been trying to run the attached design, however, after few minutes the simulation suddenly stops and displays the following error.
I am not quite sure on why I am seeing this repeatedly. I am attaching .cfx and .out file for more information. Thanks a lot for your help in advance.
Hello Kalyan,
The problem seems to be with the parallel eigen solver. I ran the model for a few minutes without issues when running sequentially, but when running in parallel, I get:
Characteristic mode analysis of MoM matrix equation
Extracting real and imag. parts of the MoM matrix eqn.
Calculating the eigencurrents using ARPACK
The following message from the server process (MYID= 1):
The following message from the master process (MYID= 0):
ERROR 40161: An error occurred while initialising the eigensolver
I'll log an issue so that the developers can investigate the reason for the problem. For now the workaround is to run sequentially.
As a side note, I would remove the finite thickness in the model (usually not the best way to create a MoM model, unless it is critical in the particular application).
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Thanks for looking into that issue. We recently updated to FEKO's latest version 2017.2 on Linux. I am not sure if the latest version has not been installed properly or if the problem is something else. In addition to above design, I am seeing a similar error with another design file (please see attached and files) that I am trying to simulate, now with planar multilayer substrate. Thanks once again for your continuous help.
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Hello Kalyan,
I started running A1.cfx and I have already passed the point where you ran into an error. However, there are some differences - I ran on Windows and ran with the latest update to 2017.2. Thus, we are not running the same version and not on the same OS. There was a bug fix in one of the updates of 2017.2 that resolved (workaround for) a problem with the Intel compiler and some (newer) Linux versions. Are you able to update to the latest version via the updater?
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We currently have FEKO 2017.2.0 and minor update (2017.2.5) available right now. However, this does not seem to resolve my problem with running -->-->--> file on Linux. I could run the same A1.cfx on Windows. I simulated a different cfx file () on Linux machine and the simulation completed without any errors. The problem only seems to be with running A1.cfx on Linux but not on Windows. I am quite not sure what is happening with this particular file (A1.cfx). Please see the attached files and please let me know if you need any information about our Linux machine configurations etc and I am happy to provide them. Thanks a lot for your help.