Update progress bar in GUI
Hi all,
I am trying to create my first GUI for an old script I did, and I don't know if I am doing in the best way.
The GUI has a progress bar indeterminate (in the future I would want to do determinate), which should start when the user press a button and should stop when the script finish. However, when the script is running, GUI freezes and progress bar doesn't update.
I have the GUI and the script in two different procedures, like this (only the relevant info is showed, but I can show the whole script):
proc interface {} { # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set progress_frame [hwtk::labelframe $gui.progress_frame -text 'Progress' -padding 5] pack $progress_frame -padx 1 -pady 3 -anchor n -fill x -side top set progress [hwtk::progressbar $progress_frame.progress -mode indeterminate -length 350] pack $progress # ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # set button_start [hwtk::button $bottom_frame.button_start -text 'BURN IT!' -width 10 -command [list BarCommand start $progress_frame.progress]] pack $button_start -pady 1 -padx 3 -anchor e -side right -ipadx 4 -ipady 2 } proc BarCommand {op args} { foreach w $args { $w $op } update main } proc main {} { # A lot of commands here }
I have only found two topics related with problem:
- Unfreeze the HyperMesh GUI (I added command 'update' in the proc)
- Progress bar / status bar creation inside HM
But the GUI is still not working. I add command 'update' in the proc which is changing the progress bar, but it doesn't work.
The GUI is like the one I show in the image below.
I think I am missing something but I don't know what...
Thanks in advance,
What is body of main proc?
Add update cmd into every loop of it
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Hi tinh,
'body' would correspond with the old script I mentioned before. There a lot of loops, and nested loops.
I added update cmd like you said, and now I can see that the progress bar is working, but I can notice sometimes it get stuck. I wonder if there is a way to resolve this...
Another question, update command makes the script runs slower?
Thanks you tinh
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Yes, because update cmd will invoke various cmds, it slows down script. So do not make it runs smooth (look beautiful, but expensive!)
The progress bar is stuck sometimes because a certain cmd takes much time,
If you want it runs smoother, you have to put 'update' inside that cmd.
If the cmd is a tcl proc, it is possible
Otherwise is not.
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Ok tinh, so then I won't put the progress bar... I need to show if the script is running or not, because HyperMesh freezes in a short period of time, so I will put a text showing 'running' and it will update when the script finish. Do you think is a good way? Or could be better?
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If your script runs very fast => don't need progress bar
If your script runs in a short time => use smoothy updated progress bar, because it's not expensive so make it nice
If your script runs in a long time => use periodically updated progress bar, because it's expensive so make it ugly!
Ugly is better than none (hm frozen)
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Ok tinh, thank you for your help!
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I don't understand what is update cmd ??
I'm a newbie to automation, don't mind if my question sounds lame to you people.
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Altair Forum User said:
I don't understand what is update cmd ??
I'm a newbie to automation, don't mind if my question sounds lame to you people.
as its name => it is a command to update visualization
but internally, it is a command to process event loop
while tcl is processing a long task, example:
for {set i 0} {$i<10000000000000} {incr i} {
=> event loop will be stopped (GUI will be frozen, not responsed with mouse, keboard events,...)
If you add an 'update' inside a long task, example:
for {set i 0} {$i<10000000000000} {incr i} {
==> now, the 'update' command will invoke event loop , so GUI will response with mouse, keyboard events, timers,...
but it slows down the process, because it invokes event loop many times
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I'm trying to output the progress of my script in the user message field, but it gets stuck on 0% till the end of the run even tough I'm using update.
Here follows the code I'm using:
proc statusMsg { current total } { ## Displays progress pecentage set percnt [ expr $current/$total*100 ] set str '%' hm_usermessage 'In progress ($percnt$str)' update }
I even tried using hm_blockmessages 1 before and hm_blockmessages 0 after the code execution, but it didn't work.
How can I fix this?
Thank you.
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Attention: 1/100=50/100=0,
And if you don't increase 'current' before calling statusMsg, % will not vary.
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Ok, got it.
I'll shall use 100.0 instead of 100 then.
Thanks tinh