Request for an option to export

Its been working using HM since long long ago. We are looking for an option to export any entity directly from the tree. Right now, we are using the option to proceed from the Export function tab and using Custom entities. But always it is cumbersome activity.
In order to export one entity (sets/contacts/any other entity), there should be an option to directly right click on that particular entity like other currently available options (isolate, show, hide etc). This will be very useful for many of the users. ANSA is having this option and people are gaining benefit using this option and I'm one of them.
I hope my request is clear.
Kindly let me know if something is not clear.
Thank you.
Hi Prasad,
We already have that option. Go to Component browser > Right click on the entity > export.
if you are trying to export into any other Specific format, let us know.
Thank you
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Hi Premanand,
Thank you so much for your quick reply & support.
Looking forward for this option very soon.
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Hi Prasad,
We already have that option. Go to Component browser > Right click on the entity > export.
if you are trying to export into any other Specific format, let us know.
Thank you
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Hi Premanand,
Thank you for sharing this option. But this option is not the one what we are looking for. This is confined to ONLY COMPONENTS and no option to the selected Solver format too.
But here my requirement is for any entity (Component/Property/Material/Set/Coordinate System etc. Different entities as per the attached picture except Include files). One should find Export option after Right click on any of these entities. Export option is only available for Include Files which we use frequently.
I hope, my requirement is clear.
Thank you again.
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I got it prasad. We will definitely try to incorporate such option in the future version. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.
Thank you
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Premanand,
Thank you for sharing this option. But this option is not the one what we are looking for. This is confined to ONLY COMPONENTS and no option to the selected Solver format too.
But here my requirement is for any entity (Component/Property/Material/Set/Coordinate System etc. Different entities as per the attached picture except Include files). One should find Export option after Right click on any of these entities. Export option is only available for Include Files which we use frequently.
I hope, my requirement is clear.
Thank you again.
If current feature does not ok for your work. Write yourself some macros to do that. That why Altair supports Tcl/Tl programming capacity.
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Altair Forum User said:
I got it prasad. We will definitely try to incorporate such option in the future version. Thank you very much for your valuable suggestion.
Thank you
Thank you Premanand.
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Altair Forum User said:
If current feature does not ok for your work. Write yourself some macros to do that. That why Altair supports Tcl/Tl programming capacity.
Thank you for your suggestion Mr. Dai. We are yet to start working on TCL/TK scripting. Will certainly take out these types of challenges once we are equipped with those skills.
However, this option is going to be useful for many users. So, a release with this integration is there from Altair.
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I somtimes need to export/import a portion of mesh (elems) so I made a macro to do it similar to copy some elems from one hm session and paste them to other sessions
if you need I will extend it to work with other entities like comps, sets, groups...
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Altair Forum User said:
I somtimes need to export/import a portion of mesh (elems) so I made a macro to do it similar to copy some elems from one hm session and paste them to other sessions
if you need I will extend it to work with other entities like comps, sets, groups...
Thank you so much for your extended help. It will be great if you could extend your development to meet our requirements.
Kindly let me know if you need any inputs.
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I am trying to create an 'export deck' on context menu of browser
it will invoke a proc that displays only selected entities then call to *feouput
default template will be as in current user profile
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Hi Prasad
Download here
I made above simple script to do that, it will hook a menu named 'Export Deck' to browser context menu
when you right click on some entities and invoke 'Export Deck', it will isolate only those entities then export them same as you export 'displayed' entities. The only thing that it will not provide option for solver format, but if you want to export to different solver, just change User Profile
the export procedure has 3 options: 'Only Selected' => will export only card informations,
'With references' will export 'displayed' entities after 'isolate only' them
'Save geometry' will save CAD of components as hm files
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On 5/19/2018 at 12:00 PM, tinh said:
Hi Prasad
Download here made above simple script to do that, it will hook a menu named 'Export Deck' to browser context menu
when you right click on some entities and invoke 'Export Deck', it will isolate only those entities then export them same as you export 'displayed' entities. The only thing that it will not provide option for solver format, but if you want to export to different solver, just change User Profile
the export procedure has 3 options: 'Only Selected' => will export only card informations,
'With references' will export 'displayed' entities after 'isolate only' them
'Save geometry' will save CAD of components as hm files
its not working with hm17.1
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Update yours to 2017.2 plz
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Altair Forum User said:
Update yours to 2017.2 plz
hello Mr.Tinh,
i have used your drag and drop script. its good working in windows but i cant use it in linux. is there any way ?
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To run it on linux, you need to download file '' to the folder and edit pkgindex.tcl to refer to ''
Because i use windows so at that time i refer to file tkdnd2.6.dll only.