brahmadev Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello Forum !


I'm new to this tool. Can someone share me the usage of this tool ?

I was just wandering will it be any helpful to write the scripts in TCL for HM ?


Thanks and regards,







  • robertavarela
    robertavarela New Altair Community Member
    edited February 2019



    Compose is a multilanguague (OML, Python and TCL) environment for doing Math calculations, data manipulating and visualizing. This includes CAE output files (.h3d, .op2, .odb...) or test results (.ascii, .uff, .unv....).


    With Compose you can program using the languages that I just mentined and debug your scripts. There are bridges between these languages too (OML-Python and OML-TCL) that gives you much flexibility to work with the best of each language.


    Since Compose works with TCL as well, you can write your scripts for HyperMesh with it, or even more: you may leverage the multilanguage possibilities of Compose. An example: let's say you have a CAE result file and would like to pass information from it to HyperMesh, in order to create load collectors cards, for example. You can use OML (Compose's primary language) to get the CAE result data and then pass these variables to the TCL environment using functions such as exporttotcl. Then you call your TCL script with evaltclscript and use the variables that have just been passed.





  • brahmadev
    brahmadev Altair Community Member
    edited April 2019



    Compose is a multilanguague (OML, Python and TCL) environment for doing Math calculations, data manipulating and visualizing. This includes CAE output files (.h3d, .op2, .odb...) or test results (.ascii, .uff, .unv....).


    With Compose you can program using the languages that I just mentined and debug your scripts. There are bridges between these languages too (OML-Python and OML-TCL) that gives you much flexibility to work with the best of each language.


    Since Compose works with TCL as well, you can write your scripts for HyperMesh with it, or even more: you may leverage the multilanguage possibilities of Compose. An example: let's say you have a CAE result file and would like to pass information from it to HyperMesh, in order to create load collectors cards, for example. You can use OML (Compose's primary language) to get the CAE result data and then pass these variables to the TCL environment using functions such as exporttotcl. Then you call your TCL script with evaltclscript and use the variables that have just been passed.





    So COMPOSE mostly deals with Post-processing itself right ?

    i.e. understanding of the results using the graphs and plots isn't ?



  • robertavarela
    robertavarela New Altair Community Member
    edited April 2019



    That is correct. We can read all kinds of result files, like .h3d (OptiStruct), .op2 (Nastran), .odb (Abaqus) and so on. All entities and results inside these binary files are automatically recognized in Compose with functions such as readcae or readmultvectors.


    Also since we have plotting capabilities, you may perform several calculations with the data inside these results files and then plot it somehow.





  • brahmadev
    brahmadev Altair Community Member
    edited April 2019

    Thanks for the clarification, Roberta... !! 


