Retrive BeamSction ID

Hello brahmadev,
It's been a while since I've worked with beam sections or the NASTRAN profile, but I would suggest to you looking into the matrix browser.
Within the matrix browser you can see the information there is regarding all the properties the elements were assigned.
From the datanames you can then identify the path for the intended information within the database.
Hope this helps.
Best regards
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Hi Brahmadev,
You can find the config of the element using:
hm_getvalue elems id=$elemID dataname=config
This will return a number which is associated with the type of element in this case Bar2 (60)
To get if it is shell or generic find the beamsect id:
hm_getvalue beamsects id=$beamId dataname=sectiontype
This will again return a number which will be associated with the sectiontype.
Refer datanames help for more info.
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Altair Forum User said:
You can find the config of the element using:
hm_getvalue elems id=$elemID dataname=config
This will return a number which is associated with the type of element in this case Bar2 (60)
Here I want to retrieve the the beam section ID which has been assigned to a given CBAR element...
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beam section is assigned to property, not bar elem.
from a bar elem, get its property (dataname: 'collector.propertyid'}
then from that property id, get beamsection id (attribute name: \$BeamSec)
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Altair Forum User said:
property dataname: 'collector.propertyid'}
beamsection id (attribute name: \$BeamSec)
Where do I find the ' attributes name or dataname ' in help files as in future I may require some other. So, from where should I refer these names ?
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Data names are in hm reference help.
Attrib names: use hm_attributelist
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Woah thanks a lot tinh . This has helped me a lot.