How to calculate the relative radius when a particle impact the wall using JKR contact model

Honghu GUO
Honghu GUO Altair Community Member
edited September 2023 in Community Q&A


I am trying to simulate the process when the cohesive particles impact the wall using the JKR contact model.

During this process, I am curious about how the EDEM calculates the relative radius when a particle impacts the wall according to the equation image.  Thanks for your help in advance. 




  • Stefan Pantaleev_21979
    Stefan Pantaleev_21979
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2023

    Hi Guo,

    In this case the classical approach of approximating the geometric plane locally to a particle of infinite radius is taken. This means that the term 1/Rj = 0 and the effective radius becomes the particle radius.

    Best regards,
