Advanced Midsurfacing Tools
Are there any tutorials illustrating how to use the functions in following Midsurfacing panels? I feel that the help literature is quite not adequate. <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
I have been trying to play around what user mid position does and I get the same result regardless of where I set the slider value at (0 to 1). Also will the user mid position work along with 'use base surfaces' feature and if I set a distance to base?
The user mid position slider shows effect when you have steps in your geometry. It will not show any effect if you don not have any steps in your geometry and it is simple.
I don't think user mid position will work when you use the 'use base surface' option as in the user base surface option you specify a particular distance from a surface of a geometry with multiple solids to take that surface as a reference for mid surface extraction. (also will show effect in a complex geometry)
Currently there is only one tutorial available on this HM-2015: Auto-Midsurfacing with Advanced Extraction Options (in Help Section)
Thank you