Why some parts disappear and I can not use anymore in INSPIRE, even when they are still in the Model Tree?

Alejandro_22085 Altair Community Member
edited January 2024 in Community Q&A

When I make a new version of my work (save as) sometimes some parts disappear despite they are still in the Model Tree, but I can not select or pick them anymore. Its like they are hidden or moved to another part of the white space. I have spent minutes looking for them with no success.


  • Scott_Z_2
    Altair Employee
    edited March 2023

    Hello Alejandro,

    Can you please create a support ticket through Altair support and also provide the Inspire version you are using?  If possible, it is best to provide the model along with your ticket request.

    Thank you,

    Scott Z

  • Raj Deshpande
    Raj Deshpande New Altair Community Member
    edited December 2023

    I have similar issue with the latest (2022.3) version.  The pump highlighted in the screen shot shows in the model tree but not displayed.  I have multiple copies going back few months.  The same issue with the back-up models as well.  I would appreciate any help.  Thanks.


  • Scott_Z_2
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2023

    Hi Raj,

    It sounds like a bug with the model.  Are there specific entities attached to that pump (spring, motor, etc.)?  You should create a support ticket and submit the model to Altair Technical Support so the development team can get to the root cause.  If you'd rather send it to my email,  that is fine too (maybe faster).  Be sure to specify the Inspire version the model was last saved in. 

    As a work around fix to keep you going, have you tried opening the original model again and saving off only that subassembly that is giving issues?  Select all relevant parts, then File-->Save Selected, which will save it as a Parasolid.  Then you can import it into the main assembly (or into a new .stmod, and then import that .stmod into the main assembly).  You might have to re-attach whichever entities get deleted. The idea is to get clean geometry and purge the model of any motion entities associated with those parts that may have been ghosted somehow.

    Hope this helps,

    Scott Z

  • Raj Deshpande
    Raj Deshpande New Altair Community Member
    edited January 2024

    Scott, thank you for your follow-up.  I imported the CAD geometry and used fasteners to reassemble the pump.  (the pump is attached to the main assembly using three screws).  I will let you know if this repeats it again.  The new assembly is working fine.  I can send you the file if you are still interested.  



  • Scott_Z_2
    Altair Employee
    edited January 2024

    Hi Raj,

    Thank you for the update and yes, please do send the model so we can see what might have caused it. Send me an initial contact "Hello" email and then I will send you a secure upload link.

    Scott Z