PDF Extraction of blocks of rows

Jen Moore
Jen Moore Altair Community Member
edited May 2024 in Community Q&A

My file is a Paycom payroll check register. There are blocks of rows that all relate to 1 paycheck, and I'm wondering how to set up the detail and append traps to appropriately catch all the data. I've set up a detail trap looking for a "." followed by two numerical traps in the Amount column of Deductions section since that looks to usually have the most fields present. However, I can't get the system to realize that the Ck Date in row 4 associates to all of the deductions, even those that are "higher" in the report, and the GROSS description and amount duplicates on the ER Health Ins and STD Memo rows. I also tried to do Multi Column Region, but spacing didn't allow that to work. Help please?



  • CPorthouse
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    Create an append template with a multi-line sample that starts on the employee name and goes down to at least the "Ck Date" line.  Any field created with this append template should be applied to all the detail rows starting at the first line and continue down until another copy of that append template is found.  This will allow the Ck Date to apply to al lines of your deduction.

  • Nicholas_21406
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2023

    Hi Jen,

    Here is an example which demonstrates what Chris has recommended.

    I would suggest you make a single DETAIL template, using a multi line sample text comprised of an entire record.  You might want to set the trap line to be something other than 1 (the default) if you wish to trap on a pattern further down in the record.

    I do not have your actual pdf, but here is an example demonstrating this concept using another pdf which represents a pay stub.

    I have indicated the trap pattern I chose ("TOTAL" in one of the matching positions of the 13th row of the block), as well as one of the fields I am capturing (in this case "ANNL Hours", where I specified the name of the field myself.

