mac 10.14.6 compatibility for THEA (v1, v2, v3...)

I have a question about Thea render and my Imac.
I bought the first version of thea render for sketchup in 2017. I really love it.
But I know that the new version (v3 now) is so powerfull too.
In your website, I just saw that the system requirements for it is macOS 10.13 / 10.14 / 10.15, Intel SSE3 CPU (or compatible).
That's why I stay on my 10.14.6 system for the moment.
Everyday, my Imac ask me if I want to go to macOS Monterey 12.1...
My question is :
-1: Should I stay on my current system (macOS 10.14.6) or can I move to 12.1 if I want to stay on my thea for sketchup V1.
-2: Should I stay on my current system (macOS 10.14.6) or can I move to 12.1 if I want to start thea for sketchup V3.
I'm not sure how clear it is but these are my questions.
Thank you a lot by advance.
Best regards.
I'm glad you love Thea render!
Regarding Monteray, from the initial tests we have made, the plugin worked in SketchUp 2021 in Monterey on INTEL machine, but since we didn't test it very intensively it is not certified yet, until we clearly state it on the website.
Another separate topic is M1 support. That might take some more.
To sum up, we are working on it and we will update the specs on the website as soon as we will be able to certificate the new OS and the new hardware.