Node (dot) in the middle of element (TCL?)

Daniil_22069 Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone!


I have 3D tetra mesh and in the middle of any particular element of the mesh I have a dot.
It seems that this dot means nothing, couldn't find any information about it.


But for my project I need to get coordinates of those dots, without coordinates of the mesh.

As an example we can get .txt file with coordinates of elements of the mesh.
What I need to get is the same .txt file with coordinates but with coordinates of those dots only.

Should I use some TCL commands or is there any way to do that?

Very grateful for any help!

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>2020-04-09_22-31-12.png



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020

    Here's a simple script to show you coordinates of centroid for each element:


     *createmarkpanel elems 1 'Select Elems' set my_elems [hm_getmark elems 1] puts '   Eid;     Center_X ;     Center_Y ;     Center_Z ;' foreach eid $my_elems { 	set cx [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centerx] 	set cy [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centery] 	set cz [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centerz] 	puts [format '%6d; %12.5E ; %12.5E ; %12.5E ;' $eid $cx $cy $cz] } *clearmark elems 1;



  • Daniil_22069
    Daniil_22069 Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020

    Thanks a lot, this script solves the problem.


    Just one question.

    Command Window shows just last 100 output strings but I habe a big model.

    Is there any way to see whole output or any command to write the output in txt file?

  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020

    Here's another script with output to file (*_centroid.csv within the same folder as your HM model):


     *createmarkpanel elems 1 'Select Elems' set my_elems [hm_getmark elems 1]  set myhmfile [hm_info hmfilename] set myhmdir [file dirname $myhmfile] set myhmbasename [file rootname [file tail $myhmfile]] set filename [format '%s_centroid.csv' $myhmbasename] set filename [file join $myhmdir $filename]; set output [open $filename 'w'] puts $output '   Eid;     Center_X ;     Center_Y ;     Center_Z ;' foreach eid $my_elems { 	set cx [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centerx] 	set cy [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centery] 	set cz [hm_getvalue element id=$eid dataname=centerz] 	puts $output [format '%6d; %12.5E ; %12.5E ; %12.5E ;' $eid $cx $cy $cz] } close $output; *clearmark elems 1;


  • Daniil_22069
    Daniil_22069 Altair Community Member
    edited April 2020

    Thank you very much!
    That what I was looking for!