Why SketchUp 2017 crash when I try to rendering?

Arquitectura Mexicana
Arquitectura Mexicana Altair Community Member
edited April 2022 in Community Q&A
I have MacBook Pro (Retina, 15 pulgadas, mediados de 2014 with MacoBig sur.
Sketchup make 17.22554
I installed TheaForSketchup correctly, the first time I opened my Sketch up the toolbar opened without any problem, I wanted to test the rendering and the Sketchup program closed, when I opened it again it no longer wants to show the toolbar, when I click on Thea tool appears the screen that says initialize and suddenly the bars are put on for a second and they disappear, if I do it again Sketchup closes. Attached are screenshots, I hope they help you understand my problem.
I hope you can help me.


  • George Gliatis_21030
    George Gliatis_21030
    Altair Employee
    edited April 2022

    Hi. This usually happens when the second monitor has been disconnencted. To get the toolbar back, please go to: Extensions > Thea Render > Tools > Reset Plug-in Layout.

    Best regards,