Loop FOR for meshing n geometries

Matthieu_22066 Altair Community Member
edited October 2021 in Community Q&A

Hello everyone, I'm Matthieu and I'm new here.

I'm currently using Hypermesh to mesh a lot of CATParts with one or more modified parameters. With Catia i built a CATVBA to iterate the parameter, and export it. 

I would like to do the same with hypermesh, using volume tetra command: import, mesh, save, delete.

The file I built is attached. But I can't get it to work. It always says "::tcl_puts ?-nonnewline? ?channel1Id? string" 

If I don't use the closed brace at the first line for the for loop it does exactly what I whant for the first file, i.e i=1. All my Catparts are properly arranged.


Thanks for any help&time. I also put my TCL code down there in case some don't want do download file.



for {set i 1} {$i < 10} {incr i} {
*createmark collections 1
*clearmark collections 1
*createmark collections 2
*clearmark collections 2
*createmark controllers 1
*clearmark controllers 1
*start_batch_import 3
*setgeomrefinelevel 1
*geomimport "auto_detect" "G:/Matthieu/file8.CATPart" "CleanupTol=-0.01" "CreationType=Parts" "DoNotMergeEdges=off" "ImportBlanked=off" "SplitComponents=Part" "TargetUnits=CAD units"
*createstringarray 3 "pars: post_cln tet_clps='0.100000,0.300000,0.500000,1.000000,0.505000,0.100000'" \
"tet: 99 1.3 -1 0 0.8 0" "2d: 1 0 1 0.01 0.0005 30 1"
*createmark solids 1 1
*tetmesh solids 1 0 elements 0 -1 1 3
*writefile "G:/Matthieu/LOOPé$i.hm" 1
*startnotehistorystate {Deleted Component "auto001"}
*createmark components 1
*clearmark components 1
*createmark components 1 "auto001"
*deletemark components 1
*endnotehistorystate {Deleted Component "auto001"}
*startnotehistorystate {Deleted Component "Part1"}
*createmark components 1
*clearmark components 1
*createmark components 1 "Part1"
*deletemark components 1
*endnotehistorystate {Deleted Component "Part1"}}


Best Answer

  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021 Answer ✓

    I think if you just remove the puts statement on the second line you should be good. 


  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021 Answer ✓

    I think if you just remove the puts statement on the second line you should be good. 

  • Matthieu_22066
    Matthieu_22066 Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021

    Thanks a lot, it works nicely now. I saw online on tcl tutorials that for each FOR loops a puts has to be created.. thanks again

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021

    Thanks a lot, it works nicely now. I saw online on tcl tutorials that for each FOR loops a puts has to be created.. thanks again

    'puts' command is just a command for writting data to the screen or to a file, similar to 'printf' in C.

    it is not mandatory to use it.

    Usually we include it to quickly debug tcl codes, printing variables for example to the tcl console.

  • Matthieu_22066
    Matthieu_22066 Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021


    Now that the script works, i would like to reflect my meshing with a plane defined by 3 nodes. It works well when i do it by hand, but when I go with script, it creates this kind of horrible meshing.. Here is the code I use directly after the tetmesh 

    *createmark elements 1 2757-24056
    *duplicatemark elements 1 1
    *createmark elements 1 24057-45356
    *createplane 1 -0.40824829 -0.40824829 0 -0.320710678 -0.179289322 -0.5
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

     I only used the command.tcl file and took this part of the script

    If someone has an idea how to have a good reflect with script! Thanks again for any help



  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021


    Now that the script works, i would like to reflect my meshing with a plane defined by 3 nodes. It works well when i do it by hand, but when I go with script, it creates this kind of horrible meshing.. Here is the code I use directly after the tetmesh 

    *createmark elements 1 2757-24056
    *duplicatemark elements 1 1
    *createmark elements 1 24057-45356
    *createplane 1 -0.40824829 -0.40824829 0 -0.320710678 -0.179289322 -0.5
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

     I only used the command.tcl file and took this part of the script

    If someone has an idea how to have a good reflect with script! Thanks again for any help



    Generally you don't want to use ids in creating your marks in a script unless you are doing something to ensure they are going to be those ids because the ids could be different each time a mesh is created.  This appears to be what is happening here, not all the elements are getting selected.

    I would suggest using something like:

    hm_createmark elems 1 "by comp" <comp id>

    Then after the duplicate the elements are already on the mark so you can skip the second createmark and just do the reflect.

  • Matthieu_22066
    Matthieu_22066 Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021

    Hey thanks a lot for your help. I have tried to select the component for the reason you explained but it wasn't possible to duplicate the comp using the subpanel.

    So, i just used an amout of elements that is high compared to the biggest geometry I have. It isn't very future proof  

    Here is the sript for the symmetries

    *createmark elements 1 1-2000000
    *duplicatemark elements 1 0
    *createplane 1 -0.707106781 -0.707106781 0 -0.5 0 0
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    *createmark elements 1 1-2000000
    *duplicatemark elements 1 1
    *createplane 1 -0.19245009 0.19245009 0 0 0 -0.5
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    *createmark elements 1 "all"
    *equivalence elements 1 0.0001 1 0 0

    It works without the previous issues but isn't very elegant

    I used the createmark elems by comp in this way, was that the way you thought about ?

    *createmark elems 1 "by comp" <auto001>
    *duplicatemark elements 1 0
    *createplane 1 -0.707106781 -0.707106781 0 -0.5 0 0
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    But it keeps saying to me that no elements have been selected. 

    Same if I use reflect component *createmark components 1 "auto001" 


    Thanks again for your quick help,


  • Ben Buchanan
    Ben Buchanan
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2021

    Hey thanks a lot for your help. I have tried to select the component for the reason you explained but it wasn't possible to duplicate the comp using the subpanel.

    So, i just used an amout of elements that is high compared to the biggest geometry I have. It isn't very future proof  

    Here is the sript for the symmetries

    *createmark elements 1 1-2000000
    *duplicatemark elements 1 0
    *createplane 1 -0.707106781 -0.707106781 0 -0.5 0 0
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    *createmark elements 1 1-2000000
    *duplicatemark elements 1 1
    *createplane 1 -0.19245009 0.19245009 0 0 0 -0.5
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    *createmark elements 1 "all"
    *equivalence elements 1 0.0001 1 0 0

    It works without the previous issues but isn't very elegant

    I used the createmark elems by comp in this way, was that the way you thought about ?

    *createmark elems 1 "by comp" <auto001>
    *duplicatemark elements 1 0
    *createplane 1 -0.707106781 -0.707106781 0 -0.5 0 0
    *reflectmarkwithoption elements 1 1 0

    But it keeps saying to me that no elements have been selected. 

    Same if I use reflect component *createmark components 1 "auto001" 


    Thanks again for your quick help,


    Sorry for the confusion do not use <>. If you use id just put the number there and if you use name, like you are doing, use double quotes.

  • Matthieu_22066
    Matthieu_22066 Altair Community Member
    edited October 2021

    Thanks a lot Ben it works elegantly now!