To capture element quality check display messages
you can get the message text by
set Message [.mainFrame.bottom.message_label cget -text]
set WorstValue [string range [lindex $Message end] 0 end-1]
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Thanks tinh /emoticons/default_biggrin.png' srcset='/emoticons/biggrin@2x.png 2x' title=':D' width='20' />.
BTW , where do we find these commands in altair help documentation?
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No, they are not documented.
They are pure tcl commands and listed in tcl manual
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Altair Forum User said:
No, they are not documented.
They are pure tcl commands and listed in tcl manual
Oh.. good to know.. Will start exploring them as well. /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' />
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Hi Roshan and Tinh,
The command 'set Message [.mainFrame.bottom.message_label cget -text]' seems to work fine in Hm 14.0.130. But, is throwing error - bad window or invalid command name '.mainFrame.bottom.message_label', for Hypermesh above HM 14.1 and also HM 2017. Can you please suggest any solution to this.
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I don't have hm here so let's check it tomorrow
There is a command that display the message you can hook, i remember it is in HM_Framework namespace (you try searching it by info procs)
Don't need to trace message_label widget
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Is there a command that can be used to run these quality checks and get the output directly from the code?
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Altair Forum User said:
Is there a command that can be used to run these quality checks and get the output directly from the code?
Cannot get %fail directly, you have to calculate it by #fails/total
Use *elementtest... commands
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Altair Forum User said:
Hi Roshan and Tinh,
The command 'set Message [.mainFrame.bottom.message_label cget -text]' seems to work fine in Hm 14.0.130. But, is throwing error - bad window or invalid command name '.mainFrame.bottom.message_label', for Hypermesh above HM 14.1 and also HM 2017. Can you please suggest any solution to this.
If you are usinh hypermesh desktop, it is .mainFrame.bottom.leftfrm.label
In HM, it is referred by variable $::HM_Framework::p_message_label
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Tinh is right, HyperMesh and HyperMesh Desktop are using different frame.
If you want to correspond both cases, following example can help you.
if {[file tail [hm_info -appinfo SPECIFIEDPATH hm]] == 'hmopengl.exe'} {
puts [.mainFrame.bottom.message_icon config -image];
puts [.mainFrame.bottom.message_label config -text];
} else {
puts [.mainFrame.bottom.leftfrm.label config -image];
puts [.mainFrame.bottom.leftfrm.label config -text];
}0 -
Thanks Tinh and Imoto /emoticons/default_smile.png' srcset='/emoticons/smile@2x.png 2x' title=':)' width='20' /> .
This worked fine [.mainFrame.bottom.leftfrm.label cget -text]. As you told, HyperMesh and HyperMesh Desktop are using different frame.