Get mid-side node
Roshan Shiveshwar
Altair Community Member
May we know reason?
Which element configs do you have?
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This was a code to get elements from set of nodes. I discovered now that the code fails for 2nd order elements because of the mid-side nodes. Hence, wanted to identify them and avoid them in the calculation.
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I remember there is a relevant command but can't find it.
Example to get mid side nodes of quad8:
*createmark elems 1 'by config' quad8
set NodeList [hm_getvalue elems mark=1 datanames=nodes]
set MidNodes [join [regsub -all {\{[0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+ [0-9]+ } $NodeList \{]]
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Thanks Tinh,
This one is a useful hack.