Switch a region's electric circuit connection

In a Transient Magnetic 2D Axisymmetric simulation, a solid movable piece of steel is attracted upwards by the combined forces of permanent magnets and a coil. The coil is represented in the associated electrical circuit as a coil conductor with one turn, and its resistance is equal to that for one turn as well. Current through the coil conductor is imposed by a current source. Now, once the mover has moved half of the required distance, the magnetic circuit should start to act as a brake (or damper), rather than an actuator. Hence, by passive means, the speed of the mover should be reduced.
I would like to achieve this by short-circuiting the coil, and using it as a solid conductor. However, this requires to switch from one electrical circuit implementation, to another one. In the second electrical circuit, there is no current source anymore, and the coil is represented as a solid conductor (to act like a solid piece of copper).
Can someone explain how I can implement both of these situations in the same Flux simulation? @Flux support @lombard
In this case you can use the component ‘Switch’ in the circuit. This component allows you to control the passage of the current in the circuit. For example from ‘0 to T (is the period) you put the ‘switch’ on “on”, once the period has passe, you put the ‘switch’ on “off”.
Best regards.
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Thank you for your reply. However, I think you misunderstand the question.
A face region, e.g. COIL, which has the property of a 'coil conductor region' can only be connected to one single electric circuit component and this property cannot, as far as I know, be adjusted to a 'solid conductor region' in a time-stepping scenario be means of a switch. A face region cannot be linked to two electric circuit components either. So switching between electric circuit components in the electric circuit will not alter the electric circuit component to which the face region is connected.
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In your case you need just to use a solid conductor region (like this will take into account of the eddy current). Other thing, you need to refine the mesh when you use a solid conductor region.
Best regards.