Can't perform mesh intersection between the body and the tunnel

hi everyone in community altair , i am a new user , I just did some basic research on the altair and its applications .
i have a project : design vehicle body and calculate External Aerodynamics with Virtual Wind Tunnel
i designed body by solidwork software then import into hyperwork to mesh and i will check element .
finally import into VWT Acusolve (2019) and Run but error message appears :" Can't perform mesh intersection between the body and the tunnel" . How to fix it ? and what mean this error ?
Thank you everyone for your interest .
VWT AcuSolve 2019 is not supported as a product. Please move to HyperWorks CFD interface if you are using AcuSolve as the solver.
AcuSolve Learning Resources - AcuSolve, HyperWorks CFD - Altair Products - Altair Community
VWT supports UltraFluidX as the solver, however it requires high-end GPU and Linux.
PS; Sorry that this post went unnoticed for a long time.