Display load Collector ID's
Hi Karth,
By clicking the following image you will be able to display ids:
1. Click on
2. Click on 'loads'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
3. Check the 'display' button
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
4. Click on 'loads' and select 'by collector'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
By this you should be able to view load collector id.
Thank you.
0 -
It is of course the ID of the load, not the ID of the load collector...
I don't know a direct way to show this.
Best Regards,
0 -
Yes we can see that panel 'numbers' does not support displaying collector ids.
A workaround is to use a title (we are lucky because a title can be attached to a load)
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
A sample script is like below
*createmarkpanel loads 1 'Select loads to show IDs:'
foreach lid [hm_getmark loads 1] {
set cid [hm_getvalue loads id=$lid dataname=collector.id]
set tid load_$lid
*createmark titles 1 $tid
if {[hm_marklength titles 1]} {*deletemark titles 1}
lassign [hm_getvalue loads id=$lid dataname=baselocation] x y z
lassign [hm_viewproject $x $y $z] X Y Z
lassign [hm_getgraphicsarea] gx gy gw gh
*titlecreate $tid loads $lid 0 2 1 0 [expr $X/$gw] [expr $Y/$gh]
*titlemodify $tid borderon '' 0 0
*titlemodify $tid titletext $cid 0 1