Export fem in older HyperMesh (2021.2 -> 2020.1.1) to get HMMOVE component definition back
I upgraded to HM 2021.2, but was unaware the $HMMOVE would become the $HMCOMP ID, which is causing problems in my downstream processes that re-write the FEM.
I tried to do a custom export and reference the 2020 template, but I am getting an error '==0' that seems out of place and likely an issue with a feature no longer matching the variable name.
Is there any other way to export a model in 2021.2 to 2020.1? Any features to change how 2021.2 uses HM comments to be more compatible?
I do have to say, changing the way FEM is written is a pretty major change... unfortunately, I am too far along in my process to go backwards and would like to find a way to do this in HyperMesh... or I will write a script to convert the HMCOMP ID to HMMOVE (hopefully there are no other incompatible qualities between 2021.2 and 2020.1).
Thanks for the help in advance,
Hi, I believe there is to be a patch to be released to accomodate this usecase. 2021.2.1 patch. You may want to reach your account rep to get hold of it.
Best Regards