Changing Scenario Conditions

AAU New Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

Hi to everyone,


I have a doubt with WinProp. Is the simulation kind of deterministic? Meaning that if I do not change the environment the results are always going to be the same? Or is it a way to add radomness because of the environment? Let's say that I run a simulation in an empty room. Are the results going to be static if I run them again? In case it is like that, can something be done to change that?


Thank you in advance.



  • Reiner_Hoppe
    Altair Employee
    edited October 2019



    the WinProp results are generally deterministic and consider the defined environment, so the results are also reproducible, i.e. if you run the simulation twice you will get two times the same results. The radio channel is generally subject to slow and fast fading. The slow fading represents the average signal levels, e.g. if you are behing a wall you get on average a lower signal level because of the shadowing due to the wall. The fast fading represents the 'random' fluctuations due to changes of the phases for the individual propagation paths (rays) which are then either superposed contstructively or destructively at the receiver antenna. The fast fading can be reproduced in WinProp by using the standard ray tracing and activate the coherent superposition under the ray tracing settings. Then you will see the 'random' fluctutaions of the signal level over short distances. Nevertheless also in this case the results are reproducible, but you might change the transmitter position slightly or analyze the signal levels at different receiver positions to see the fast fading and the random impact.