How to get ID of line closest to the given node using tcl?

Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
edited September 2021 in Community Q&A

Guys, how to get ID of line closest to the given node? Actually, I need to get IDs of 4 closest lines like in the situation shown in the figure below. I thought that I could create centroids of all possible lines, then find centroids that are closest to the given node, and then identify line IDs. But there is no function to get centroid of line. Thank you!



Best Answer

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021 Answer ✓

    how about this API?

    It would give you the distance and the line ID, but you need to give a list of lines as inoput.


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    hm_getdistancefromnearestline point_xyz line_id_list


    HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    The list of x, y, z coordinates of the point.
    List of line IDs.


    The function returns a list consisting of two values. The first value is the distance to the closest line. The second value is ID of the closest line.

    To get closest to the point with coordinates (10, 20, 30) point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] 13

    To get closest line from the set with IDs 13 14 15:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] [list 13 14 15]

    To get closest to the node with ID 2 point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [hm_getvalue nodes id=2 dataname=coordinates] 13


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021 Answer ✓

    how about this API?

    It would give you the distance and the line ID, but you need to give a list of lines as inoput.


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    hm_getdistancefromnearestline point_xyz line_id_list


    HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    The list of x, y, z coordinates of the point.
    List of line IDs.


    The function returns a list consisting of two values. The first value is the distance to the closest line. The second value is ID of the closest line.

    To get closest to the point with coordinates (10, 20, 30) point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] 13

    To get closest line from the set with IDs 13 14 15:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] [list 13 14 15]

    To get closest to the node with ID 2 point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [hm_getvalue nodes id=2 dataname=coordinates] 13
  • Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
    Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
    edited September 2021

    how about this API?

    It would give you the distance and the line ID, but you need to give a list of lines as inoput.


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    hm_getdistancefromnearestline point_xyz line_id_list


    HyperMesh Tcl Query Command


    Gets the distance of the given point from the nearest line with IDs specified as arguments.


    The list of x, y, z coordinates of the point.
    List of line IDs.


    The function returns a list consisting of two values. The first value is the distance to the closest line. The second value is ID of the closest line.

    To get closest to the point with coordinates (10, 20, 30) point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] 13

    To get closest line from the set with IDs 13 14 15:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list 10 20 30] [list 13 14 15]

    To get closest to the node with ID 2 point on the line with ID 13:

    hm_getdistancefromnearestline [hm_getvalue nodes id=2 dataname=coordinates] 13

    Interesting! Yes, I can create one additional point and line, and then try to measure the distance between lines hm_getdistancefromnearestline.


  • Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
    Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
    edited September 2021

    One more question: is it possible to get Line ID if I know the node ID which is on this line? Do we have some kind of function? Thank you!

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021

    Interesting! Yes, I can create one additional point and line, and then try to measure the distance between lines hm_getdistancefromnearestline.


    you don't need to create an extra point, as the fuction needs only the coordinates.

    You can get the node coordinates with other hm commands and give them to this API.

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited September 2021

    One more question: is it possible to get Line ID if I know the node ID which is on this line? Do we have some kind of function? Thank you!

    i don't know, honestly.

  • Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
    Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
    edited September 2021

    you don't need to create an extra point, as the fuction needs only the coordinates.

    You can get the node coordinates with other hm commands and give them to this API.

    Ok. It works! To close the question I give the final solution:


    # consider node 71 set n 71  # get the coordinates of the node foreach {x y z} [join [hm_nodevalue $n]] {} puts "x=$x y=$y z=$z"  # get all lines in the model *createmark lines 1 "all" set lines_list [hm_getmark lines 1] set results [hm_getdistancefromnearestline [list $x $y $z] $lines_list] set distance [lindex $results 0] set line_id [lindex $results 1] puts "min distance = $distance" puts "closest line ID = $line_id"



    x=33.029 y=21.96 z=1.49 min distance = 3 closest line ID = 696  

    If I need the next closest line I will need to use operation (relative compliment) with sets and eliminate the first closest line from the all line sets set, and so on. 



  • Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
    Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
    edited September 2021

    i don't know, honestly.

    If it does not exist, Altair should create such a function :) Even if the node belongs to several lines it is still useful information. Line ID from node ID, surface ID from node ID, etc.

  • Vladimir Gantovnik_21974
    Vladimir Gantovnik_21974 Altair Community Member
    edited September 2021

    i don't know, honestly.

    Ha-ha! I did it using the same function: 
