Hello everybody.
I have particles in tubes in a turbulent flow, I want to investigate the fragmentation mechanism.
It is important for me to know that, if fragmentation is a detachment of a primary particle from floc or agglomerates divided to two smaller agglomerates.
Is there any tools on EDEM to measure this parameter?
Best Answer
Hi Fatemeh ,
Fragmentation how you are representing was not mentioned in your message but I am assuming that Bonded_V2 model is defined with multiple small particle to create an agglomerate.
Bonded_V2 model requires input shown in below picture and these parameters are calibrated.
If you are interested in finding out the particle size after breaking then it is better to create multiple particles though it is of same size, by this method after breakage you can easily find out the number of breakage particles.
Hope this helps.
Hi Fatemeh ,
Fragmentation how you are representing was not mentioned in your message but I am assuming that Bonded_V2 model is defined with multiple small particle to create an agglomerate.
Bonded_V2 model requires input shown in below picture and these parameters are calibrated.
If you are interested in finding out the particle size after breaking then it is better to create multiple particles though it is of same size, by this method after breakage you can easily find out the number of breakage particles.
Hope this helps.