STRN output file format

Emanuele Frediani
Emanuele Frediani Altair Community Member
edited November 2020 in Community Q&A

Good morning,

I'm running an Optistruct static analysis, for which I need a text file output showing strains for every element of my mesh. I am currently using OPTI format, as suggested in another thread of this forum, but I have difficulties understanding the file format, which has 8 columns. Also, I need to track back the elements of the mesh corresponding to a specific value of strain.

In short, I'd like to use Matlab to evaluate which point of my model has the more variable strain in different loads conditions.

Should i use different output format? is OPTI (which produces .STRN files) is good for my purpose, what are its columns representing, and how can I identify a corrispondation between a specific strain value and its location on my model?

Thank you



  • QuyNguyenDai
    QuyNguyenDai Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Maybe use a script TCL within Hyperview to query your results and output to format that suits you?

  • Emanuele Frediani
    Emanuele Frediani Altair Community Member
    edited November 2020

    Thank you so much. I'm new to Hyperview and don't know all its potentialities yet. That will solve my problem.


    Thank you again and have a good day