Calculating Reserve Factor for Tsai-Wu 3D with continuum shell elements

Felix Lentz_21924
Felix Lentz_21924 Altair Community Member
edited May 2021 in Community Q&A


I would like to do a comparison of differend 3D failure criteria for continuum shell elements in Optistruct. Therefore I need to calculate something like the reserve factor or strength ratio for the different failure criteria, because Failure Index can't be compared between different failure theories.

For shell elements I could either us SRCOMPS or calculate it with derived math as shown hear(

Is there a similar option for 3D Elements, because both don't seems to work for 3D Elements.

Best Regards,
Felix Lentz


  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited May 2021


    just saw the recently released HW2021.1.


    OptiStruct now supports Strength Ratio output for PCOMPLS

    Composite Strength Ratio output for PCOMPLS Strength ratio output for PCOMPLS with PARAM,SRCOMPS is now available.


  • Felix Lentz_21924
    Felix Lentz_21924 Altair Community Member
    edited May 2021

    Thanks, I will download the new version and try it.