PSD in hypermesh

Please refer to the tutorial:
OS-1325: Random Response Analysis of a Flat Plate
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Altair Forum User said:
Please refer to the tutorial:
OS-1325: Random Response Analysis of a Flat Plate
actually i have actual road load data. now i want to import in hypermesh to get actual simulation. plz guide.
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Hi misu_bhowmick,
Please let us know what data you have?
Do you have Time load data?
In that case, you have to convert the time signals to FFT and FFT to PSD. Please see the attached files.
Please note: if you are a commercial customer, you can contact your local support @ http://www.altairhyp...ortProduct.aspx
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Altair Forum User said:
I already have PSD can i import this data in Hypermesh? ..if so how....
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Altair Forum User said:
Yes, Go to Utility browser>>Create Table>>TABRND1>> import file to get the PSD data.
Make sure the file format is any of the supported formants (.txt, .dat, .csv)
Thank you very much Prakash was very helpful...
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I have one more query; i have FFT data of acceleration time signal on different locations of IP (instrumental panel).
How to use this data in modal frequency response (MFRA) analysis in Hypermesh?
Thanks in advance.
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Please refer to OptiStruct user guide:
OptiStruct > User's Guide > Structural Analysis:
Frequency Response Analysis