Create macro for Automesh(F12) with "elem" selection entities

Hi everyone,
When I use Automesh(F12) to create FE modeling, I always have to switch b/w Elem and Surf.
I already checked *.cmf command but could not find the default setting for this to make macro.
I would like to create 2 shortcutkey: 'E' >> Automesh with element(remesh). 'S' >> Automesh for surface(new mesh).
Since I am newbies at TCL, hope any one can help on this TCL macro.
Thanks a lot!
as in hm12:
proc press_E {} {
hm_setcollector automesh 18 elems
hm_pushpanel automesh
proc press_S {} {
hm_setcollector automesh 18 surfs
hm_pushpanel automesh
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Hi Tin. Appreciate your help but your command does not valid on HM12. 'hm_setcollector automesh 18 elems'
Anyway, it works on Hm11 and I already creates Switch Key b/w Surf/Elems for AutoMesh. No need to 2 shortcut keys!
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at V12 you have to take item 19, e.g. 'hm_setcollector automesh 19 elems', but still a very good hint tinh !
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Really appreciate Mario for your help. It works with 19 but how do you know this number. If I move to HM13, 14 or HM10, HM9, what is number for this?
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for me it was trial and error, since hm_setcollector is a undocumented feature.
You can try it very fast inside the tcl command window.
For release V13 it seems to be the same.
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The number is sometimes changed a bit although same version. I don't know why
my hm12 is 18
to get it exactly => you can dump the panel by
hm_dumppanel automesh
and looking for the number fore (ENTITY_COLLECTOR)
from hm12, panels seem respond better. with hm11 i usually have to set timer when customize panels
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thanks for all
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I found code some code like this you can use for any panels selection
hm_pushpanel 'project'
set id [hm_getcolnumber {project} 1 ]
hm_setcollector 'project' $id 'comps'Thanks and Regards