Convert lattice to solid
So, I was doing an optimization using the topology optimization, and I use the lattice optimization option. And I want to export or put the lattice geometry I've got into CAD.
I found that it is possible to do it using materialise 3-matic, but I don't have access to it.
So, is it possible to be done using script? And does anyone here would like to help? Maybe sharing some script or tutorial, because I'm don't understand how to make a script for these.
you could use a script like this to trasnform your BEAM elements into cylinders.
You might need to adapt to your needs, but i hope this gives you some insight.
It converts PBEAM elements, having PBEAML property assigned to it into geom cylinders.
Give it a try.
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Thank you for your answer. I'll try to figure it out. Maybe I'll ask some question again if something confuses me.
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So I've been trying the tcl script you shared, but when I put it in hypermesh, it shows an error said 'radius should be a positive non zero value'.
And the geometry is appeared in the model section in hypermesh, but there is no geometry when I try to mask all other geometry and mesh.
I'm pretty sure my test model is fully defined, but I'm not quite understand about tcl script yet.
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does your pbeaml has DIM1A?
Or is it defined some other way?
Can you share a .fem file with a small sample of your lattices?
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Adriano A. Koga_21884 said:
does your pbeaml has DIM1A?
Or is it defined some other way?
Can you share a .fem file with a small sample of your lattices?
Hi, sorry for the very late reply. Yes, my model has a DIM1 and DIM1A, but the problem was solved.
I was writing my own .tcl script based on the script you sent me, and instead of making solid, I made a cylindrical surface because I want to make 2D shell element.Thank you for sharing your TCL script.