Synergy between Compose and Matrix Browser

I'd like to share the nice and slick synergy Compose has with Matrix Browser, a feature in HyperMesh to handle model data in table format. This is the typical use case when the model data will lead the process and Compose will play as the Math/Automation engine.
Let’s assume that we have the model ExampleRib.fem (attached) and that we would like to get the central coordinates X, Y and Z of a few elements:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

In this example, I’d like to calculate the central distance of these elements to the point (0,0,0), which would be simply the square root of x²+y²+z². For that, I created a custom Compose function distZero (also attached):
Which will receive as inputs from HyperMesh the coordinates X, Y and Z that I queried with Matrix Browser.
In order to expose the Compose function to other HyperWorks applications, we need to register the function. This is done clicking on the right mouse button on Register Function in Compose:
After this step, we may now see that the function has been registered under the same mouse click shown above
under Show Registered Functions button. Once it is registered, we may now use it inside HyperMesh + Matrix Browser:

The function will be available without the need for closing HyperMesh and reopening. Then we give the columns that will serve as arguments:

And it's done! The custom Compose function calculated everything and the results are shown in a new column: