how to do a solid map and mesh a cylinder in hex mesh

What are the specific issues your are running into? The help page below even shows a plate with holes as an example so I imagine you can get it to work well.
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i used a line split to do a mesh at the center. but remaining area, how should i proceed for a proper mesh flow?
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shifali barwa said:
i used a line split to do a mesh at the center. but remaining area, how should i proceed for a proper mesh flow?
Not sure if I would have split the center out. The original is probably mappable but with the split it might not be. Either way you should be able to 2d mesh the surface shown and get that how you want it before doing the 3d mesh. If you are really particular about mesh flow you may want to divide it radially, mesh one slice and then copy it around to the other. You will just need to be careful that the mesh will line up so you can equivalence it at the radial lines. Again, though, I think I would not have split it at all and just done a mapped mesh. If adjusting the parameters on that didn't get me what I wanted, then I would move to doing a 2d mesh then dragging a solid then I might look into splitting it up. I might be missing something but if it is a cylindrical plate with cylindrical holes that would have been my approach.