How can I capture an image in hypermesh of the same size as that of displayed comp/assemblies in graphics area
hm_getwindowarea interactive - This API enables the user to draw a rectangle in the graphics area returning x, y coordinates of top left corner and width and height
These inputs can be used in [hm_windowtofile x y width height image.jpg ] to capture image.
I want to do the same automatically without user intervention.
How can I get these inputs for hm_windowtofile from the comp/assemblies displayed in graphics area
Hello Maheshwari,
If your focused objective is to capture an image in HM with the displayed comp/assembly in the graphic window, try out this command *jpegfilenamed "C:/my_images/model.jpg" from the provided link below:
Hope this is what you are looking for. Kindly let us know if the command works.
Thank you.
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Hello Thirukumaran Subbian,
This command works, but captures the whole graphics area. I want to capture the only area that is occupied by the comp\assem.
Output of the command *jpegfilenamed :
But I need the output: