How to do a Compression test

Alberto CAMPUZANO Altair Community Member
edited July 2022 in Community Q&A

Hello dear all.

i hope this is the right place to ask.

i am trying to a simple compression test (just a cylinder with a certain thickness under the compression of two rigid plates, non-linear), i create my 3D geometry in external software and then i exported into hyperworks, from there i have no clue how to move on, because of my next doubts.

1. the plates created in external geometry are in 3d, how to make them as a plate shell in hyperworks.

2. are those plates meshed? i want them as something really rigid and i want lower the computational cost using shell and i want to consider them as a rigid system.

3. my geometry is created already having contacts the cylinder and the plates in contact

4. now i am doing a single cylinder but in the future is going to be a quite complex geometry, therefore, from imported geometry then the mesh is generated followed by the analysis right. is there any tutorial considering the whole steps (importing geometry meshing and analyzing or solving).

Take a look at the attached file.



Best Answer

  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Alberto,


    as for meshing, you can take a look at HyperWorks Tutorials at the product Help, as they show you how to extract the midsurface of your thin plates and then mesh them.


    Now, concerning the compression, I assume that you're working with some sort of collumn buckling or crash box?


    Depending on what are you trying to accomplish in the end, maybe you would benefit on looking at this e-book for Radioss explicit analysis.

    On Radioss you don't need to have the rigid plates meshed. You can define a Rigid Wall at the plates plane.


    There are a couple videos (not so new) that you can find around.



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited July 2022 Answer ✓

    Hi Alberto,


    as for meshing, you can take a look at HyperWorks Tutorials at the product Help, as they show you how to extract the midsurface of your thin plates and then mesh them.


    Now, concerning the compression, I assume that you're working with some sort of collumn buckling or crash box?


    Depending on what are you trying to accomplish in the end, maybe you would benefit on looking at this e-book for Radioss explicit analysis.

    On Radioss you don't need to have the rigid plates meshed. You can define a Rigid Wall at the plates plane.


    There are a couple videos (not so new) that you can find around.


  • Alberto CAMPUZANO
    Alberto CAMPUZANO Altair Community Member
    edited June 2022

    Hello dear Adriano.

    Right i want to see how to buckling effect occurs, however, i down want to perform any dynamic loading, all my test are going to to be "Quasi-static'', look i am wondering whats the difference between Radioss and Optistruct?.


    Let me tell you i am really new to this software actually i started today my professor gave the license, and i am working in windows system, i was a Linux guy for a while.

    i feel quite lost actually even i don't know how to set the nonlinear system. those previous mentioned cylinder are going to be compressed reaching the plastic regime therefore i would like to apply elastic and plastic system.


    By the way ill take a look the info you already provided.


    Thank you very much