Foot bones meshing errors
I am modelling neuropathic foot bones. I have segmented 19 bones via MIMICS software. For meshing I am using Hypermesh. I have meshed surfaces of 15 bones by creating 2D mesh (R-trias) and used tet elements for 3D meshing. But in 3 bones I am getting errors of :
Free edges: I tried to remove them from equivalence but free edges remains there.
' xxx elements are outside of mesh volume and discarded'
Being a problematic foot, some surfaces of Bones are eroded which I segment from CT-scan
I need to mesh every bone separately. I am able to mesh these bones in MATIC software but getting errors in hypermesh.
How can I mesh these 3 bones to proceed further in Abaqus?
(.hm file is attached below containing these 3 bones components)