Self-Contact between 1D BAR (BEAM) Elements

Debarshi New Altair Community Member
edited December 2021 in Community Q&A


I am trying to replicate a 3D 2 coil hellical spring into a 1D spring with connection of multiple beam element. The analysis runs and also gives correct results. Please see the attached pictures. Now I am trying to define self-contact between those BEAM elements as described in OS-T: 1540 Compression of Helical Spring using Self-Contact. But there in the example, the solid elements have been used and whereas I want to use 1D elements only. For that purpose, I have created a SET_GRID with all the nodes of BEAM elements of the spring for slave-set and left master-set empty. But then I am getting the following error 

*** ERROR # 1762 ***
Incorrect SET type for MSID on CONTACT 1.

I can not use SET_GRID for master set and when I use SET_ELEM containing all BEAM elements for master-set, then I get the following error 

*** ERROR # 4786 ***
SET(ELEM) MSID on CONTACT 1 must be shells or solids.
BAR element (22447) is not allowed.


Can anyone please help me in defining the self contact for the spring with BEAM element?

Thanks in advance.






  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited December 2021

    Hi @Debarshi 


    As far as i remember, OptiStruct implicit doesn't support edge 2 edge contact.

    *** ERROR # 4786 ***
    SET(ELEM) MSID on CONTACT 1 must be shells or solids.


    I believe in your case you need to use a different approach, or, use CGAP elements for modeling these contacts. But anyway, CGAP would be very hard to use, as they're node2node connection.