
Moh Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

I am very new to using Altair Hypermesh. I apologize if this is a novice question. 


1. I have a complex model in .stl format. Can I extract all the nodes on the outer surface of the model? If yes, then how can I do that? 

2. Can I import a .vtk file?




  • Q.Nguyen-Dai
    Q.Nguyen-Dai Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020

    What do you mean 'extract all the nodes' ? You want to get NodeID & coordinates? STL will be imported into Hypermesh as a FE mesh. So you can export STL (nodes and topology) to any supported solver (Nastran, Optistruct, Ansys, Abaqus,...).

    Via FE output template, you can export to any output format.

  • Moh
    Moh Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020

    Yes. I do want to get NodeID and Coordinates but I want to get the nodesID and Coordinates of only a specific surface. 

  • Q.Nguyen-Dai
    Q.Nguyen-Dai Altair Community Member
    edited September 2020

    Try this simple code:

     *createmarkpanel nodes 1 'Select nodes' set nodeList [hm_getmark nodes 1]  set output 'C:/Temp/nodes.txt'; set fh [ open $output w ];  foreach nid $nodeList { 	variable x [hm_getvalue nodes id=$nid dataname=globalx] 	variable y [hm_getvalue nodes id=$nid dataname=globaly] 	variable z [hm_getvalue nodes id=$nid dataname=globalz] 	puts $fh [format '%6d %12.4E %12.4E %12.4E' $nid $x $y $z] }  close $fh 

    Adapt 'output' to your output file.