
Hello, I have a problem with zooming the view in Hyperview. It doesn't work properly since some time. When I want to zoom the view into certain part of my model the view is not only zoomed but also translated to the left. It is quite annoying. In the same time in Hypermesh zooming works properly as always and zooming with scroll leads camera directly to area pointed by the cursor. I have been looking for solution on the internet by I didn't find similar problem. Same thing happend to me some time ago in MotionView. Currently I am using hv12. Could You please help me to solve this problem?
For issues like the one mentioned above, it is always advisable to delete the settings files first and restart the session.
More information on deleting settings files: https://community.altair.com/community?id=community_question&sys_id=044688761b2bd0908017dc61ec4bcb69
Thank You!