Powder Spread

I just completed a simulation for generating 10000 spherical particles. After, generating the particles, I included a counter roller in the study. The counter roller will move across the particles and spread them, the same as powder spreading in binder jet 3D printing. I already set the motions for the counter roller. How do I run the simulation for the powder spreading part only? If I rerun the simulation, won't it generate the particles all over again? I would like to keep the particles I generated and just let the counter roller spread across. I attached an image for clarification.
Hi Ibrahim,
In the EDEM Analyst there is a file > Export Input deck option where you can take a simulation that is complete (or choose any time-step from it) and export this as a new simulation file. You can also reset time to 0s, so you could create the material bed in 1 simulation and then export this as an input file for a new case.
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Stephen Cole_21117 said:
Hi Ibrahim,
In the EDEM Analyst there is a file > Export Input deck option where you can take a simulation that is complete (or choose any time-step from it) and export this as a new simulation file. You can also reset time to 0s, so you could create the material bed in 1 simulation and then export this as an input file for a new case.
I am not sure what you mean since I only see the export option in the EDEM Analyst. I have the generated particle bed file saved and a separate file with the simulation containing the counter roller only, without the particle bed. Here is an image showing what appears on my EDEM Analyst.
Thank you for your time
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Ibrahim Al Qabani_20554 said:
I am not sure what you mean since I only see the export option in the EDEM Analyst. I have the generated particle bed file saved and a separate file with the simulation containing the counter roller only, without the particle bed. Here is an image showing what appears on my EDEM Analyst.
Thank you for your time
Hi Ibrahim,
Apologies it's the Export > Simulation Deck option you want (not input deck).
Stephen0 -
Sorry, I am still confused since it wants to save when doing that. I did the steps you mentioned with the generated particle bed, but I am unsure what's next. Here is an attachment of a pdf file showing the steps with pictures. I am able to meet on zoom if that is possible.
Thank you
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Hi Abrahim,
Your steps showed the original simulation rather than the exported one. Once your EDEM sim is exported, you can open that new EDEM saved sim at time=0.
Note: Ensure you select the correct time step you want to export as mentioned by Stephen above.
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Thank you that helped a lot. One more thing, I am wanting to specify a build-platform for the particles to appear on since the particles disappear once they pass the base border line. I attached a pdf with an image and description of what I mean.
Thank you very much
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You can adjust the Domain ( red lines) to suit your simulation. Please check EDEM eLearning, lesson 8 - time 0:50s that explains how to adjust the domain.
Course: Introduction to EDEM eLearning (altair.com)
Also, we have several EDEM resources that can help you speed up your learning curve. Check the link below:
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My domain red lines are well adjusted. The issue is that the particles disappear after passing the faded blue rectangular base. The polygon base where the particles were generated. My domain is well passed the polygon base, where the particles were generated. I attached a pdf showing what I mean. Thank you very much
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Hi Ibrahim,
It looks like there is not a geometry surface big enough to contain the particles once the spread all over the floor. Once the particles pass domain they will disappear. You can try increasing the lengths of the light blue geometry. I’ll follow up your support case if the above doesn’t work.
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Since the case is still open. I am having issues with making the counter roller move forwards while rotating in the counter clockwise direction. I have specified two different motions that include linear translation and linear rotation. For some reason the roller moves forwards but also moves upwards. I attached a word document with screenshots showing the settings I used for both motions please let me know where I am going wrong. I put 10mm on the axis of rotation because I wasn't sure how to specify the axis of rotation without putting a number in.
Thank you for you time
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Ibrahim Al Qabani_20554 said:
Since the case is still open. I am having issues with making the counter roller move forwards while rotating in the counter clockwise direction. I have specified two different motions that include linear translation and linear rotation. For some reason the roller moves forwards but also moves upwards. I attached a word document with screenshots showing the settings I used for both motions please let me know where I am going wrong. I put 10mm on the axis of rotation because I wasn't sure how to specify the axis of rotation without putting a number in.
Thank you for you time
Hi Ibrahim, you want to de-select 'moves with body' for the Linear Translation.
Moves with body means that the motion reference plane moves with the geometry, so if the geometry rotates 90 degrees the motion would move from X+ to Z+ direction but as you always want the translation to be along a fixed axis you can remove this.
You want to keep moves with body selected for the rotation, as the rotation point should be the centre of the cylinder and if the cylinder is translating you want the point of rotation to translate also.