poIQueryIterator GetDataList--> Need to get the Component ID

I am trying to create a TCL script for postprocessing in Hyperview.
I need to get the component ID for the corresponding Node ID which Is showing maximum displacement . I am able to retrieve the node Id and maximum displacement value, but could not retrieve the corresponding component ID.
Thanks in advance
Hi Emil,
Could you please share the command you're using to query node ID and Maximum displacement.
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below is the kind of commands I have used. I am able to get the maximum displacement value and node ID .. But I am not able to get the parent Component ID for the corresponding Node
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Hi Emil,
You can query component.id too, so:
qry$w SetQuery 'component.id contour.value';
qry$w GetIteratorHandle itr$w
For more info please refer:
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Hi Livil,
Thanks a lot for your reply..I tried to use the above command and retrieve the component ID to print it in a 'Note Handle'. But I am getting some error. below is the part of the script I have used.
set msr_max [lindex [m1$w GetEntityList] 1]
qry$w SetQuery 'component.id contour.value'
qry$w SetSelectionSet [s1$w GetID]
qry$w GetIteratorHandle itr$w;
set datalist [itr$w GetDataList];
itr$w Next
set componentid [lindex $datalist 0]
puts $componentid
puts 'check query'
set note_id [client$w AddNote]
set n_handle [client$w GetNoteHandle n$w $note_id]
n$w SetAttachment 'node $msr_max'
puts $msr_max
n$w SetPosition 1 1
n$w SetBorderThickness 2
n$w SetLabel 'Max Contour value'
n$w SetText 'NodeID {entity.id} \nContour_Value {entity.contour_val} \n {entity.component_id}'.#############################################################################
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I need to get get the component ID and make that specific component alone in OPAQUE mode and remaining all parts in transparent view..
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Could you please run it line by line and share the error and the line in which it occurs.
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The script is not showing any error as such and is completing .. but I am not getting the desired output below isthe explanation happening at line#8 and line #17
1. set msr_max [lindex [m1$w GetEntityList] 1]
2. qry$w SetQuery 'component.id contour.value'
3. qry$w SetSelectionSet [s1$w GetID]
4. qry$w GetIteratorHandle itr$w;
5. set datalist [itr$w GetDataList];
6. itr$w Next
7. set componentid [lindex $datalist 0]
8. puts $componentid ---------------->#### Nothing is getting pritted in this line##
9. puts 'check query'
10. set note_id [client$w AddNote]
11. set n_handle [client$w GetNoteHandle n$w $note_id]
12. n$w SetAttachment 'node $msr_max'
13. puts $msr_max
14. n$w SetPosition 1 1
15. n$w SetBorderThickness 2
16. n$w SetLabel 'Max Contour value'
17. n$w SetText 'NodeID {entity.id} \nContour_Value {entity.contour_val} \n {entity.component_id}' -------->## in the note handle it is Printed like' unknown symbol' entity.componet_id''.#############################################################################
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Hi Livil,
Is the above info you were asking for?
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Try following this order
1. set msr_max [lindex [m1$w GetEntityList] 1]
2. qry$w SetQuery 'component.id contour.value'
3. qry$w SetSelectionSet [s1$w GetID]
4. qry$w GetIteratorHandle itr$w;5. while {[itr$w Valid]} {
6. set datalist [itr$w GetDataList];
7. set componentid [lindex $datalist 0]
8. puts $componentid
9. itr$w Next
10. }
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Thanks for the reply.. I tried what you have shared.. still it is not working
the script is skipping the above while loop and completing .. not sure where it is going wrong
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Also one more help I need.. If I know a particular component ID, and I need to keep that alone in Opaque mode and remaining all components in TRANSPARENT mode..
I tried to refer poIRenderOptions, but could not find any specific command for this
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try these.
poIModel_handle SetPolygonMode Transparent
poIModel_handle SetPolygonMode 'opaque'
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thanks Livil.. It worked