How to get information of particles leaving the simulation domain

Yang_QI1 Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A


I am doing simulation about inhaler and I am trying to get information of particle agglomerates that leave the inhaler, such as the size distribution. In my case the boundary of simulation domain is placed at the exit of inhaler. Is there a way to count the particle information that exit the inhaler, in other words, leave the simulation domain?




Best Answer

  • RWood
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓


    You could set up a geometry/grid bin just before the end of the domain. That way you get all particle information that relates only to those that pass through the bin. Export this information and you can get the particle count and related info.

    I've done something similar with the API before though, where you have a plane at the exit which is used to collect information. Detect collisions with the specific plane, write out the information and delete the particles.

    Both approaches should achieve similar results though.




  • RWood
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022 Answer ✓


    You could set up a geometry/grid bin just before the end of the domain. That way you get all particle information that relates only to those that pass through the bin. Export this information and you can get the particle count and related info.

    I've done something similar with the API before though, where you have a plane at the exit which is used to collect information. Detect collisions with the specific plane, write out the information and delete the particles.

    Both approaches should achieve similar results though.



  • PrasadAvilala
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    Hi Jason,

    The particle which leaves the simulation domain its not possible to count but there is a work around i can suggest.

    You can create the sensor/bin close to the domain and measure the output and at the last time step you will see the mass retained in the sensor/bin which to be substracted.

    The above method helps to get the data without re-running the simulation.


    Prasad A

  • Cesar Barreto
    Cesar Barreto
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022


    You can increase the size of your domain (environment section in the Creator) before running your simulation for future runs you may do. that will include a bit more than the outlet of the equipment and will help you not only with the data but also to visualize how your particles agglomerate at the outlet of your equipment. 


