Half Planar Green's Function

pmcardle Altair Community Member
edited October 2020 in Community Q&A

  I have a fairly large metallic structure over a half planar green's function. I have received the following warning


 WARNING  3595: Too many interpolation points for the substrate
    See also message in the output file PEC_1.out


What does this indicate? How unreliable is the solution due to this warning?



  • Mel
    Altair Employee
    edited June 2019

    Hi Pmcardle


    The structure is quite likely electrically too thick.


    Sometimes the warning message is conservative. To check it, calculate the near field inside the layer and run it over a frequency range. 

    The warning should disappear at higher frequencies. If the trend in the near field curve is consistent down to the frequency you require (maybe a straight line and does not pick up noise at low frequencies) then the results are quite likely reliable.