How can i create a 3D mesh with a 2D mesh (worked in quality index) ?

Yago Faria
Yago Faria Altair Community Member
edited August 2022 in Community Q&A

Hey guys,

I'm having some problems here with the 3D mesh. I need to mesh the cover for a transmission reducer and the best way I can find is to start with a 2D mesh on the surfaces, transform the geometry to solid and then use the "Volume Tetra" 3D mesh with the selection to expand the existing meshes, but when I try to solve some quality issues with the quality index in 2D I can't expand the mesh to 3D. I don't know if this is due to the complexity of the elements created in the quality score correction or this is really not possible.

So if anyone has a suggestion, I'd be grateful!



  • Adriano_Koga
    Altair Employee
    edited August 2022

    usually what you do is creating a nice 2D mesh first, and if necessary make it better with these quality index tools. After doing that, then you go and use the TetraMesh function to generate your 3D mesh from your existing 2D mesh. No necessary to transform into a solid.


    Once you have your 3D mesh, if your elements are not so good, then the best way is to delete the 3D, enhance the 2D mesh quality, and create the 3D again.

  • Yago Faria
    Yago Faria Altair Community Member
    edited August 2022

    usually what you do is creating a nice 2D mesh first, and if necessary make it better with these quality index tools. After doing that, then you go and use the TetraMesh function to generate your 3D mesh from your existing 2D mesh. No necessary to transform into a solid.


    Once you have your 3D mesh, if your elements are not so good, then the best way is to delete the 3D, enhance the 2D mesh quality, and create the 3D again.

    Yes, we've done this process a few times, but it's complex geometry and when we use the quality index tool, we need some sudden changes to some elements of the skin. So when we try to have 0 failed elements and use tetramesh, it's always a problem.

    Do you have any suggestions to increase mesh quality after 3D, such as a quality index for 3D mesh?

    And now I'll try here to do this mesh without the solid created.
